Since its establishment in 1998, Milkyway Intelligent Supply Chain Services Group Co., Ltd. has always focused on safer and more efficient operations in the chemical supply chain. With strong strength, professional team, scientific system and sound network, we provide customers with one-stop logistics supply chain solutions such as freight forwarding, warehousing and transportation, and supply chain management around the world.
Qingdao Milkyway Chemical Storage and Transportation Co., Ltd.'s business covers the whole supply chain logistics services such as container transportation, distribution, warehousing, shipping, multimodal transportation, domestic trade, and tank containers. It has the qualification of designated dangerous goods booking freight forwarder in Qingdao Port; It has the qualification of general cargo transportation and dangerous goods transportation. At the same time, relying on the group's advanced supply chain management model, with a global network and mature service capabilities, we can provide customers with high-quality and reliable transportation, warehousing and other services, and can also customize logistics solutions based on customer needs to achieve all strategic goals of customers in the global, regional and local.
To better provide our customers with high-quality services, Qingdao Milkyway Chemical Storage and Transportation Co., Ltd. has officially moved to a new location on August 5, 2024.
电话:0532-85023652 82023456
传真:0532-85021867 82022345
Office address: Room 1001, 10th Floor, Block B, Ocean Building, No. 61, Hong Kong Middle Road, Shinan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province
Postal Code:266071
Tel:+86-532-85023652 82023456
Fax:+86-532-85021867 82022345
All employees of Qingdao Milkyway Chemical Storage and Transportation Co., Ltd. will wholeheartedly create the ultimate service and improve customer experience, and sincerely thank the leaders, customers and partners who have given Milkyway strong support for a long time, and wish us to go hand in hand for a win-win future!
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